LivedHealth is a free online video resource that shines light on difficult, long-term health challenges. Expert insiders – patients and professionals – tell it like it is.


Are 1 in 5 people with coronavirus experiencing Long Covid? Immunology Professor explains.

Could the number of people living with Post-COVID Syndrome (AKA Long Covid) be higher than first thought? Why do some people stay ill, while others appear to recover completely? In this first episode of Covid in the News, LivedHealth hosts Tom and Monique sit down with Professor of Immunology Danny Altmann (Imperial College, London) to get answers to the community's most burning questions.

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Fatigue – Living Long Covid

The first episode of Living Long Covid shines a light on just how debilitating fatigue can be for people with the condition. Hosts Monique and Lere – who both live with Long Covid – share the day-to-day challenges they face. From the sudden onset of extreme tiredness to lacking the endurance to complete simple tasks, fatigue has altered the way they go about their lives. For Monique, fatigue even impacted her sense of self. Monique and Lere share some of their strategies to cope with fatigue for other #longhaulers and reveal a surprising silver lining. They discuss the difficulties of accessing support in the UK healthcare system, posing questions about the suitability of talking therapies for people with Long Covid.

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Do Covid-19 vaccines impact Long Covid symptoms?

Is it possible COVID-19 vaccinations could be easing symptoms of people living with Long Covid - and conversely, could they trigger a relapse of symptoms? In this episode of Covid in the News, we're joined by Dr David Strain, Clinical senior lecturer at the University of Exeter, Covid Consultant and member of the NHS Task Force on Long Covid. David has also experienced symptoms of Long Covid. He talks about the systematic research underway to explore this question: is this atemporal correlation, reporting bias, or a direct effect of the vaccine?

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